avk System Information – a virtual sputnik to your PC.
© 2012-2024 Alexey V. Khoshenko


You can download the last version of this utility from here (2024-Sep-08, MD5 = A9500245B1DAE1200723A131CADDDE15).

avkSI takes part in the Kaspersky Allowlist initiative, but don't hesitate to use VirusTotal.com!

If you're a licensed avkSI user, you may use avkSI.cfg and even your own avkSI.wav. Wanna get a license? Please contact me.

Need a CPUID dumps collection? Here it is. You can specify any CPUID dump in the command line, like: avkSI.exe <SomeModel.CPUID>

Need an EDID dumps collection? Here it is. Guess how these can be used?


Estimate time to read: 1 minute.

Q: What is this?

A: This is a tiny utility, which is free for non-commercial use. It shows key information about the computer you run it on in the blink of an eye. The utility is compatible with Windows 11 / 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP / 2000. It requires no installation, no registration, and no external libraries. It doesn't leave litter, needs no Internet connection, and doesn't send reports anywhere.

Q: Who is it for?

A: This utility can be useful for advanced users, enthusiasts, and professionals. If you're reading this, the utility is probably for you, too. It may look not as good as you might expect, but it has a few unusual functions (some of them are only available to licensees): component's age and price evaluation, a software catalogue, a MAC vendor directory, etc. The utility uses the 4-color scheme that should help you quickly identify strengths and weaknesses of your PC: green color = excellent, yellow color = good enough, orange color = not good enough, red color = bad.